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Science Week

Science Week

Monday 14th March  – Friday 18th March 2016

What an amazing week we had!

We began the week by welcoming the Education Group into school. Our forensic scientist shared her skills to help us to think like real life detectives. We were wowed by her knowledge and her insight into the crimes that she has helped solve and we gained a real understanding of the importance of scientific facts as evidence in real life crime cases. We then began looking for our own evidence in the case of the ‘school break in!’DSC_0214

We began by cordoning off the crime scene and using our magnifying glasses, we looked for clues. We found fingerprints to help eliminate some of the suspects and we then found some real incriminating evidence – a handkerchief which we believed to have DNA samples on it. The plot thickened at this point as we realised that we had 2 suspects in line for the robbery as twins have the same DNA. To solve the robbery we then looked back at the fingerprints and found that one twin had a whorl and the other twin had a loop, enabling us to name the thief.

The remainder of the week was filled with exciting science; some linked to St Patrick’s day, others linked to our current science topics while others were just an exciting insight into the wonderful world of science!

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