IMPORTANT INFORMATION: In the Event of Illness
As Mylnhurst will continue to review and update its procedures according to the latest government guidelines, please be aware that this document is subject to change. Please refer to the website for the most up-to-date version.
If your child is demonstrating any of the below symptoms, you must not send them to school, and you must organise for your child to be tested as soon as possible:
- High temperature – feeling hot to touch on their chest or back. This can be confirmed by taking your child’s temperature and it reading above 37.8 degrees.
- New, continuous cough – this means your child is coughing a lot for more than an hour or having 3 or more coughing fits over a 24 hour period.
- Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste – this means they have noticed that they cannot smell or taste anything or things smell or taste differently to normal.
Once you receive the result of a Covid-19 test, please confirm the test result to the school office and in an email to your child’s teacher. If your child’s test comes back as negative and your child is now showing none of the above symptoms, they will be able to come back to school, following a conversation with the school office or when you have received an email confirmation from your child’s teacher.
If a child or teacher in your child/children’s ‘bubble’ develops symptoms, there is no need for that group of children to self-isolate. If the symptomatic child or adult tests positive or if the school is notified by NHS test and trace, you will be notified and asked to collect your child to begin a period of self-isolation for 14 days.
In the event that a teacher is absent, appropriate cover will be provided for the class.